Old news 3

Email: Ann or Marc
Cram Zerimar © 2003-2006

March 21, 2007
Jordan is 1 month old today!
Jordan is now 1 month old. We see a lot of changes already. He grows so fast. Mainly he just eats and sleep. Keeps us up at night and sleeps a lot during day. Hopefully this will change soon.

March 1, 2007
New poll
Who does Jordan look like ???

Is it Marc or Ann?

Vote now on smiley page!

February 24, 2007
New pictures of Jordan
Added new pictures in oslo album. Lots of pictures of Jordan, our newborn baby!

February 22, 2007
Marcus Jordan M. Ramirez
Only picture so far. Will upload more as soon as I can!

February 22, 2007
Marcus Jordan M. Ramirez
Finally! After almost 3 days of pain, Jordan comes out. 21 st of Febuary 2007 at 16:36. He was 3578g and 51cm.

Both Jordan and his Mommy are good. We are so happy and blessed with a new family member in our family.

Pictures will come soon!

February 19, 2007
Things are happening now!
Seems like Jordan is coming soon. Ann\'s been having contractions. It\'s 02:35 am now, and we cant get any sleep. So we called the hospital and they said we should wait until 2-3 contractions within 10 min before we call again. Ann is now having contractions every half an hour.

We are so excited now. And hopefully everything will go smooth and easy. We pray that Jordan is well and normal and cant wait to see him.

January 28, 2007
Baby Shower
Thanks to all for the participation of Ann\'s Baby Shower. My cousin ate Grace from the States gave me this idea of having a surprise baby shower for Ann. We never do this here in Oslo, but she said it will be a good memory for her, and that after going through such hardships of carrying a baby in her tummy, it will be a great break for her to have a bit fun and celebration with friends and families. We thank JR for hosting the party and of course all our friends that made it such a fun and memorable event.

January 17, 2007
Jordan is coming soon!
Next month is a big month for us. Both me and Ann are so excited. Of course Ann is a bit worried giving birth. But I\'ll be there for her and pray that everything will go well with the baby and Ann. Can\'t believe that we are going to be parents. Sometimes it seems ureal. Feels like I\'m still a kid myself, so it seems so unrealistic that we\'re having one soon.
Ann is getting bigger and harder for her to sleep and move around. But otherwise good and healthy. Baby keeps kicking and feel the movements more.

December 30, 2006
This year has passed quickly for us. We have been blessed with a good and happy year. Next year our household will be added. And I am sure we\'ll have new challenges and experiences.

We wish all our families and friends a happy new year! God bless!

Marc, Ann and Jordan!

December 20, 2006
Happy Birthday Mikko!
Want to greet Mikko a happy 1st birthday! Added pictures from his birthday party last friday. We had lots of fun and great food. The Batman theme was awesome! Check out the pictures in Oslo album.

December 11, 2006
New star in hollywood!!!!!!
My friend is in hollywood on vacation and came across this new star among other hollywood star names. She took a picture of it and sent it to me!

Thats cool! hehehehe.

December 7, 2006
New poll
New poll. Now that PS3 and Xbox 360 is out. There has been a lot of discussions which is the best. Which game console will win?

Vote for the one YOU want at smileys page!

November 19, 2006
New pictures in Oslo album
Added some new pictures in Oslo album.

November 13, 2006
Resident Minister
Great news for our locale here in Oslo, Norway! We are finally having a resident minister here in our locale. The minister and his family will be coming on 21. November. Great blessings for us here and for our locale.

October 28, 2006
Happy Birthday Chloe Ann
Added pictures from Chloe Ann\'s Birthday party. Want to greet Chloe Ann a happy 1st birthday! Hope you guys like the pictures. Just learning and for the meantime just using the automatic modes in my camera. A bit hard to adjust the camera when I need to capture the moment at the same time. Hopefully I will learn more and more and take better pictures.

October 27, 2006
New pictures in Oslo album
Updated all the albums with new pictures. Sorted the pictures so that the newest image comes first. In Oslo album, I added the bible mission gathering and this year trip to tusenfryd. Updated some new photos in other albums aswell and from our wedding two years ago.

Check out also the picture of the week section in smiley page. Gonna pick a good picture once a week and post it up there. Want to learn to take good and cool pictures. A new hobby that I got from the news of we are having a baby!

October 10, 2006
New topic in forum
Added a new topic in forum where you guys can add your favorite free softwares that other people can download. Just add the link to the download site here so other can benefit from useful free softwares.

September 28, 2006
ITS A BOY!!!!!
Found out now that our baby is going to be a BOY! The voting is over and we finally know now. Most people thought it was a girl, but the 5 people who voted for boy was right. Finally we can go baby shopping for our baby. Thanks to everyone who voted. We are so excited and happy. The baby seems to be in good health and everything seems normal. Cant wait to see him again!

September 1, 2006
Boy or Girl?
Ann\'s tummy is getting bigger and baby is growing.
Some say they can tell the gender by looking at Ann or Anns tummy. What do you think? Well, here is a picture of Ann and her tummy! So take a guess and vote on our poll. On September 29, we will probably know the gender of our baby! So there are still more time to vote if you think our baby is going to be a girl or a boy! VOTE NOW!

August 25, 2006
Poll and forum
Updated the site with a forum. Here we can discuss anything and everything. I have started a thread about a list of filipino artists. If you guys know of anyone else famous artist with filipino blood. Just add them on the forum. Also added a poll. As most of you know we are having a baby. We dont know the gender yet and it would be fun to see what you guys guess our baby will be. BOY or GIRL? Vote now at the smileys page.

August 24, 2006
First baby picture
This is baby's first picture. The baby is 14 weeks old and almost 8 cm long. According to the doctor eveything is looking good and normal. Baby seems little for her/his age, so maybe its a girl, but we couldnt see the gender yet. We were excited to see our baby for the first time and cant wait to see the baby again.

August 14, 2006
Back to work
Today I go back to work, while Ann goes back to school. Tough day for both of us. After enjoying our vacation for 3 weeks its difficult to go back to work. The hardest part is waking up early! But thats life. We need to work and after a while we are back in our daily task.

August 1, 2006
Back from Barcelona
Barcelona was great! That city had it all to complete a summer vacation. A big city that has a lot of shopping, sights and of course great beach. We ate a lot of junk food we miss. Such as KFC and Dunkin Donuts but tasted also some spanish dishes as tapas. Went shopping at Zara, Footlocker and other cool shops. Went up and down the La Rambla where all tourists go. Saw some amazing fountain work at the Plaza De Espania. Went to the largest aquarium in Europe and went swimming at the barceloneta beach. Pictures from our trip are updated in the album.

July 26, 2006
Hola! We are off to barcelona today! So cool to finally visit this city. Heard so much about it. Hopefully we\'ll enjoy our 5 nights of stay in Barcelona. Seen the weather forcast there. It\'s gonna be betwwen 28 - 30 degrees and sunny all days. Gonna take lots of pictures and post some updates in the travel section.

July 21, 2006
Vacation time
At last it\'s my vacation time from work. I have now 3 weeks off from work. Gonna enjoy the hot summer with barbecue, playing basketball, watching movies and go to the beach. Can\'t wait to go to Barcelona! Me and my wifey are leaving next week. I hope this summer will be cool and I get to relax a lot!

July 18, 2006
Updated site
Looked into some PHP coding. Made it easier to create updates, baby and travel journals. Now we can post stuff easier and faster. That\'s why I\'ve archived old news in different pages coz we\'re gonna write updates more often! Diba mikko!!!

July 17, 2006
New baby journal page!
Created a new baby journal page! Ann can write her experiences and let out some emotions during her pregnancy. She can just let it all out here! Post what she likes to eat, how often she gets sick and all that stuff. Cool to see how her tummy and the baby will go bigger so I'm gonna try to take lots of pictures of her. As you guys can see we are so excited and can't wait to have this baby. I bet our child will laugh all about this journal when he/she is old enough to read! Click here to go to Baby journal!

July 05. 2006
Special delivery - February/March!
As you guys have probably already figured out by the picture, we are having a BABY!!!! This is such a great blessing and a new chapter in our lives! We truly cherish this special time and we are so happy and excited! The baby is expected late February or early March.

July 04. 2006
Old news are moved.
I have separated the old news to another page. You can read the old updates by clicking at this link here!! And another one here!